Beginning of 2017 + Recap of 2016
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
A lot has happened, however I still never reached my goals.
2016 RECAP
In the year of 2016, I would work out here and there
but would not stay committed or consistent.
I also tried out crossfit for the first time of my life
with a personal trainer and also separately at a different location,
and it was pretty cool. They work you out super hard
and everyone is there supporting you.
I did crossfit for about 5-6months about 2x/week.
I wasn't really keeping track of my diet,
even though I was given a meal plan by my trainer.
I tried it for the first couple of weeks and I was not having it.
this was my before pic of jan 2016
this was my before pic of jan 2016
my 3 month after photo in march, subtle difference..
After crossfit, I tried going back to the gym.
The last time I went to the gym consistently
and trained super hard was in 2013.
I noticed a big change within 3 months of working out
5-6x/week, some days no rest day.
So I figured i would try going to the gym again,
on my own time rather than by following a class schedule.
I wanted to see results quickly,
but being human, my motivation went down hill.
Crossfit class on the day of my 26th b-day early in the morning 6am
Crossfit class on the day of my 26th b-day early in the morning 6am
I would go to the gym some times 2x/week
sometimes none.. and I definitely wasn't watching what I ate.
I started to put on weight again.. maybe the heaviest
i've ever been. I can feel it in my clothes, my attitude was always down.
I hated going out bc that meant I had to dress up, and my
clothes weren't fitting me well.
I got engaged on July 31, 2016
and took engagement photos in Hawaii
in October, and it was such a struggle
to fit into my dresses. I was very frustrated
and felt unhappy. The pictures turned out gorgeous,
the photographer did a good job,
but Just looking at myself,
and how much weight i've gained just
made me very unhappy.
Engagement photos
Engagement photos
and try and be consistent.
We decided on the date of our wedding which would be
on November 11, 2017.
I bought my wedding dress already in September,
so right now i'm pretty motivated to lose weight to fit into my
dress appropriately!! I would also like to look
amazing in our honeymoon trip after the wedding.
So that is my goal and motivation for this year!
2017, i'm coming for you!