I thought I would share a what's in my gym bag post.
I wanted to make a video as well, but still a bit camera shy.
It's been a while since i've been in front of the camera.
So i'll show what I have in photos!
Also, one of my goals this year is to take more photos
on my DSLR !
I love the color of my gym bag. Originally, I had the nike XS duffel bag in all black,
but I wanted some color to it because it would be hard to distinguish who's who
since a lot of ppl at the gym have black duffle bags. I wanted something more tamed
but still stands out. I like the darkness of the dark gray and the pop of bright coral and
a highlight yellow color! I can easily tell that this is my bag. I've had this bag
in sitting in my closet for 2 years now. It's about time I used it!
A comparison to my iPhone 6s+ with my lifeproof case
Here's what it looks like with the top unzipped.
Outside Pockets/Zippers
I don't use the side zipper shoe compartment to put my shoes, I like to put my towel
cell phone and keys, in that compartment.
For the front zipper, I don't really keep anything in there.
There's also a spot for your water bottle!
The inside pockets/zippers is where I keep feminine essentials,
alcohol wipes, hair ties.. etc.
On the opposite side is 2 elastic netted compartments, one wide one narrow.
Here's what it looks like inside with it filled up
I may need a larger bag. hehe
Here's what's inside:
My Inzer belt
Great for when i'm doing squats/deadlifts for core
support to stabilize the spine and prevent injury.
Used for deadlifts esp since my grip is weak.
My powerlifting shoes, although I don't powerlift,
these shoes + the belt definitely help me squat heavier
with better form and support.
I felt the difference from just wearing chucks and no belt to squat,
powerlifting shoes + Inzer belt
I was able to squat heavier.
I keep this in my bag just in case I want to do other leg workouts with it.
I used this often when doing crossfit,
but now i don't crossfit anymore so I barely use it.
Knee Sleeves. I use to wear one of them as you can tell,
when my right knee would hurt. Haven't worn them in a couple of
months since I don't feel pain at all anymore.
But it helps warm up your joints and prevent injury,
also can help you squat heavier.
Wrist straps, which I used to use..
but since I want to work on my grip, I haven't been using them at all.
Plus, they're time consuming putting them on
ankle straps that I use on the cable machines to do certain glute exercises.
Wrist straps, since I was lifting heavier weights in crossfit and
certain movements would give me really bad wrist pain,
such as overhead press, front squat etc.
I probably need to use them again since I do encounter
wrist pain since my wrists are super small/weak.
My speed rope I got as a Bday present from my friend Cheska!
Again, based on crossfit, I wanted to work on my double unders
and I wanted an official speed rope since all I had were reg thick jump ropes.
Extra Pair of socks!
I normally use this gym bag on leg days only.
The other days I would use my smaller gym sack pack!
I've had this bag since when I first started going to the gym hardcore
almost 4 years ago
This is all I would take with me.
and my wireless headphones are a must!! Especially going to the gym solo
and doing cardio!