(a post I made after the marathon but never published it)
My cousins brother and I ran this marathon in memory
My cousins brother and I ran this marathon in memory
of my Oldest Brother Eric John Gapasin who passed away from leukemia
when he was 3 years old.
I accomplished my first marathon ever!
It was hard but a great feeling after I saw the FINISH line!
We woke up at 4am left San Jose to go to SF for the Marathon.
the first mile went by really quick. After the 5th mile, with all those damn hills
that's when my cousins brother and I started walking.
Going up the hill is not that bad, but going down was.. omg it hurt!
When we got to the 9th mile, my legs were hurting so bad.
My knees and toes were hurting the most.
On the 11th mile, my calve began to cramp up.. so I
had to take a break and stretch. My brother's thigh was cramping up too.
Our 2 older cousins were ahead of us but we eventually caught up.
When we hit the 13 mile range, we had .1 mile left.
As we turned the corner, I saw that big purple finish line! I was pumped!!
I was just so excited I made it!!
WE all ran for fun and not for time..
but our time was like 3 hours and 50 minutes. something like that
hahhah! oh well. I didn't even train properly for this.
never ran hills like that in my life.
I am so proud of my brother for getting through this marathon.
he did a great job! i'm super proud of him!
I am super proud of myself!! That was such a great accomplishment for me.
It feels good! next year again?
It's been a while since i've update this blog of mine.
I've been terribly busy and stressed the past few months.
It was the most hardest semester of nursing school,
and I also had family issues on top of that.
I managed to get through everything and passed all of my classes
with decent grades. I'm very happy for myself.
I ran the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco
On October 16, 2011 with my 2 older cousins and my brother,
in memory of my Oldest brother Eric, who passed away from leukemia when he was
only 3.
I was sorta training for it, sorta not.
When i would train for it, i didn't train on hills or anything like that
it was all flat pavement.
When the time came, i would've been nice to train for it appropriately.
But all and all it was a great fun marathon.
We weren't running for time..
we're running, enjoying the scenery, having fun.
Although those hills were killer!!!
I had a fun and it was a great experience and I would
most definitely do it again! I hope it becomes a family tradition.
Carbo LOAD the night before at Cheesecake factory

Up at 4am. SJ-SF

My brother Russel and I

All of us running:
My cousins: Eileen, & Cyndi
My brother Russel
and ME

In Memory of Eric John Gapasin. My oldest brother.

a ton of ppl

Here we go!

Stopped for a restroom break and a photo-op

another photo-op. lol there were many.

as you can tell we were enjoying the scenery.

YAY pom poms!

LOL!! slow pokes.. oh well

Go Brother and Manang Cyndi! My toes were cramping up

This would be me walking downhill. I hate down hill.

Mile 7! what what. lol. 6 more miles to go!


we're on the screen. hahah

my brother and I lagging because we were eating our snacks



Our brother


Manang Eileen is that mastermind to all this. She's wonderful!

Free Chocolate milk!

afterwards went to eat

Got some Anthony's Cookies afterwards

Tiffany's prize